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керівниця Тренінгового центру для освітян і батьків EspeRO


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Make your world colourful using colour idioms

The definition of idioms and their meaning. Colour idioms in English lessons. Didactic approach for learning idioms.

Сертифікат 4 академічні години/0,13 кредиту ЄКТС

Bak. Mag. Andriana Mylchuk, BEd,

A graduate of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and University College of Teacher Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten/Viktor Frankl Hochschule)

English/Arts teacher at “Lernraum Montessori de La Tour” in Klagenfurt.

A student of the master’s programme at the University of Klagenfurt.

A former associate in the Office for International Affairs at the University College of Teacher Education and a former teacher of English/Arts in Vienna Bilingual Middle School.

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